Продается 2-х этажный дом в ц. Гандзакар, Тавушской области, рядом с г. Иджеван. Площадь участка 620 м2, площадь дома 83 м2 . Во дворе сад с плодородными деревями.
Quickly and qualitatively we will develop the design project of an apartment, house, cottage or townhouse. If necessary, we will perform fit-out works of the project "turnkey". You only need to agree and accept the stages of work!
Our services in interior design:
- re-layout concept
- planning...
Quickly and qualitatively perform repair or fit-out works of the apartment, house, townhouse or cottage "on a turn-key basis". You only need to agree and accept the stages of work!
The advantages of working with our company:
- before starting work we develop a detailed estimate, which reflects...
Quickly and qualitatively we will build the house of your dreams! 10-year experience of our company and a team of experienced craftsmen will allow us to carry out complex works on erection of buildings of any complexity, from compact one-storey houses to multi-level elite cottages with a large...